Thursday, January 26, 2017

DIY Doggie Wipes:

Hello friends,

    My poor buddy, Indy gets really itchy several times a year. I don't want to constantly give him a bath because it's hard to get him in the tub, and it can dry out his skin even more. I have seen dog wipes in the stores to help with cleaning dogs between baths, and help with certain things like scent and to help relieve itching. I decided to try out my own and home instead of buying something that I am not sure about. I know I can make it cheaper than $10.00 or more. This is the first time I have attempted making this product so I am sure I will find ways to improve as I try again.

    For this product, I use Skin So Soft from Avon, which I happen to sell. Yes, this is shameless, self -promotion, but I have bills to pay too! . Follow the link and search for Skin So Soft Original. There are many options. I recommend the spray bottle. Skin so Soft has been proven to help dogs with itching, and helps keep off fleas, ticks and other bugs: Follow this link to purchase:                      

  ** Like all homemade products, anything can happen as far as a reaction. I can not tell you if this will be safe for your dog or not since every single dog is different. If you are concerned, then don't try it before speaking to your vet. I am not a specialist. This works well for my dogs, but it may not for yous. 

What you need:

Skin So Soft Original:  (I recommend the Spray Bottle)
Empty with lid:  (Mason, Pickle, Jelly)
Vinegar: (any kind)
Paper Towels ( You will need some heavy duty paper towels, so stay away from the "cheap kind") 

1. Separate several sheets of paper towels. I used 20 but you can use more or less depending on the size of your jar. Try to see how the paper towels will fit in your jar before moving on to the second part of this step.I cut the paper towels in half for a better fit. Normally, I am all for the cheaper products, but for this, you will need a higher quality of paper towels. Otherwise you run the risk of the wipes ripping or being too soggy to even use.  After cutting the sheets in half, spray every few sheets with Skin So Soft. A small amount of this product goes a long way, so you don't need to use a whole bunch. This is oil, and it will get on your hands unless you wear gloves. It will wash off, and help your skin become softer. Bonus! 

2. Roll up the paper towels in a tight roll. You do not need to put anything in the middle. If you roll tight enough, it will be easy to pull the individual piece out. Place this into your jar. You might need to smash it down a bit for fit. 

3. Next, add vinegar to your water and mix together. I added several drops, but nothing more than a tablespoon. Pour the contents over the paper towels in the jar, making sure to soak the sheets. 

4. Place the lid on tightly, and shake. 

5. This is the finished product right out of the jar. If you take them out as quickly as I did, then you will need to ring some of the water out before use. These will store for a long time, as long as you keep a tight lid on the jar. I would shake the jar before every single use. 

6. Try out on your dog! This is Indy getting his wipes used on his face. Always avoid the eye area or any sensitive parts of the skin. If you are concerned about any allergies, I would test on a small patch of the dog's hair and then wait at least an hour to see if there is any reaction. Anything can happen, so exercise caution and your best judgment for the safey of your dog! 

Indy LOVES IT!!!!

    This is a simple and cheap way to make your own wipes. I hope that you try this out and give me your opinion on how it works for you! What did you do differently? Did you try something new, or add another step?

     Again, here is the link to my Avon page to purchase your very own Skin So Soft. This product will last you a long time, and there are many uses for it. You can get many bottles of wipes out of the amount in the bottle that your purchased.

   Until next time, have a great day!

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