Monday, December 19, 2016

Safe Holiday's For the Pups

As the holiday season approaches, there are a few things that you want to keep in mind to help keep your fur kids healthy and safe. Many of these things are common sense but it doesn't hurt to have some reminders. In fact, it can be very helpful, especially when there is so much stress going on during the holiday season!

Image result for dog in the snowIt is that time of year when the temps are dropping. No matter where you live, this can become dangerous for your pets. Please bring your pets indoors when the it is cold and the weather becomes harsh. It is not only the right thing to do, but the legal thing to do. In many states, you can get fined, or even serve time in jail for not taking care of your animals during the cold. If you don't normally keep your animal indoors, make a designated area for them if you don't want them in certain rooms like the bedroom. You can put your old baby gates to use, or make your own make shift barrier to keep them in a spare room, the kitchen or part of the living room. Give them a blanket, towel, or pillow so they have a place to sleep. If you are worried about accidents, just be prepared with things to clean it up. After all, as annoying as an accident is, it's better than your dog freezing to death or suffering from frostbite! The thing is, you have an animal, and they are going to have an accident from time to time. They can get sick, or throw up just like humans. You don't get ride of a human or punish them because of an accident, you help them and move on!

Some of the most lovely things about Christmas time is the plants! They are very beautiful and make wonderful gifts! However, a few of them are actually toxic to dogs and you need to make sure your furry friend avoids contact with them. For example, the poinsettia is very pretty, but can toxic to dogs. If the leaves are ingested, the dog could become very sick with vomiting, diarrhea, and can even die. They can also develop a skin rash or allergic reaction. Keep these plants away from your pets to be on the safe side.

Another plant to keep away from your pet is that all time favorite excuse for a kiss, mistletoe. There are many different varieties of mistletoe, but all of them can cause a hazardous reaction in your dogs if eaten. These could vary from becoming sick, to drooling, to seizures and even death. You need to get your dog to the vet right away if they eat any mistletoe. You are better off getting the fake kind and enjoy a kiss, not a very sick puppy!

Image result for chocolate

Keep in mind that plants are not the only toxins to your dogs. Sugar, chocolate, garlic, grapes, raisins, onions, and alcohol are some of the items that can make them very sick, or that can kill your dog. Do not feed them any bones from a bird such as a chicken, turkey, or other poultry as much as you may want to. These bones are very brittle and can splinter causing holes being puncher in your dogs throat or organs. It's best to keep the ham bone away from them as well because the size could be detrimental. If you aren't sure that the bone is safe for your dog, don't give it to them.

Choking can happen at any time, but the odds are greater during the holiday season. There are many things that are't normally around such as scrapes of wrapping paper, tape, plastic, or packing peanuts. Small toys, food, and other items can be just as dangerous. Here are a few charts to follow if you suspect your dog is choking. Don't forget to get your dog to the vet as soon as possible to access any damage.

Image result for dog heimlich

Please make yourself comfortable with these charts. It could save your dog's life. One more thing you can do to keep your dogs safe to have the following numbers programmed into your phone. First, would be your dog's vet and the closest 24 hour emergency clinic. These are also useful numbers to help you out if needed. The first is ASCPA Emergency number and poison control which is 888-426-4435 The second is Pet Poison Helpline which is 1800-213-6680 .I just programmed them into my phone and it just took a moment. Those few seconds can be life saving later. We all know 911, and most likely have our local police number programmed into our cell phones, so why not put these numbers in there as well?

Please remember to use common sense and when in doubt, ask. It doesn't hurt anything to call your vet and ask them questions about the health of your dog. Keep your dogs inside when the weather is too cold and too dangerous. Remember, the health of you dog is your responsibility. To me, it is an honor to be able to share my life with such pure and loving little souls that we only get to share a limited amount of time with. It is my privilege to be able to take care of them because they have given me so much, and they depend on me to keep them safe and happy. It is not too much to ask to keep the animals in your life safe!

*Disclaimer, I do not own any of these photos. These were taken from sites that had free stock photos. I do not own any rights to these photos.

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