Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Banana Treats Two Ways

Hello Modern Dog Parents! Today, I have not one, but two recipes for you today. Unfortunately, I lost most of the photos that I was going to use to show you the step by step process so you will have to use your imagination a bit. The first recipe is for puppy ice cream, and the second is for doggy cookies. 

If you want to make both at once like I did, I encourage you to make a bigger batch to start with. Just leave out the flour and add that later when you are ready to start the cookies. 

What you need to make both items:

Ripe Bananas 2 or 3
Plastic or Dixie Cups
Peanut Butter, Creamy or Chunky
Plastic Wrap
Rolling Pin
Cookie Cutter
Cookie Sheet

Puppy Ice Cream:

Ripe Bananas: At least 2
Peanut Butter: Up to one cup
Oatmeal: Up to one cup

        First, peel bananas and mush up. I recommend cutting the bananas and then mushing them up in the bowl. Add in the oatmeal, and stir. Next, mix in the peanut butter 1/2 a cup at a time because you may not want to use the whole amount. This is a personal preference but the more you use, the bigger batch it will make, 
        After you stir the ingredients together, get your cups and place them close to your work station. Fill the cups half way full of your mixture and pack it down. You can make several cups with the recipe depending on the size of the cups you are using. I would not use a cup bigger than the size that you would use in the bathroom. 
         Once you have filled your cups, cover the tops with plastic. Place in your freezer for at least an hour or longer depending on your freezer.  These treats will keep for awhile, but I wouldn't have them around longer than a month. This is a great treat for those hot summer days. 

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Dog Treats:

Ripe Bananas: At least 1
Peanut Butter: Up to one cup
Oatmeal: Up to one cup
Flour: Up to two cups

The base of this recipe is the same as the Puppy Ice Cream above. Follow the same steps to prep but slowly add in your flour. Mix the flour in until it starts to stick together to form a dough ball. I suggest that you get your hands in there and mix because you will be able to feel when it is strong enough to start using cookie cutters.
Dust your work area lightly with flour and use a rolling pin to flatten out your dough ball.Choose a cookie cutter and cut out several cookies. This recipe should be enough to make 2 dozen medium sized dog treats. 
Place a non stick pan, or non stick sheet and cook in the stove at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Check your cookies at the 7 minute mark. The end result is going to be slightly crunchy. The thinner the cookie, the more crunchy it will be. 

If you have left over dough, you can always bag it up to use at a later time. However, since there are bananas, you can't keep this stored for very long without using the dough. It will go bad if you don't use it up within a few days. These are very popular treats and very well liked in my household.

I hope you enjoy these as much as Indy and Rose did!!

*As always, if you are worried about allergies, check with your vet. I am not a vet nor a consultant. It is always better to be safe than sorry. If you aren't sure, don't feed it to your dog! 

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